How to Affordably Move to an Unfurnished Apartment

October 18, 2019

furnishing an apartment on a budgetRenting a furnished apartment can provide a number of practical benefits, but it can also make it difficult when it comes time to rent a Loveland apartment that isn’t furnished.


Renting a furnished apartment, living with family, or sharing a house with friends can be extremely beneficial, but it may present some challenges when you decide to venture out on your own. Moving into a new and unfurnished apartment without your own furniture can be overwhelming, particularly if you are on a limited budget, but thankfully there are many ways to furnish an apartment without spending a fortune.


If you are moving from a furnished to an unfurnished apartment on a budget, here are some tips to help you find everything you need.


Start With the Essentials

With every new home comes the excitement of setting up and decorating each room, but make sure that you get what you need first and foremost. Before you spend money on wall art or other decorative pieces, you might start by making a checklist of the things you absolutely need for each area of the apartment.


  • For the Kitchen: Some of the most important items of a home are found in the kitchen. What is essential for you may vary depending on your cooking skills and abilities, but there are some basic items that are an obvious essential for anyone. These may include:
    • Dishes, silverware, cups, mugs
    • Pots, pans, baking dishes, and cooking utensils
    • Microwave
    • Oven mitts or dish towels
    • Dish soap, brush or sponge,
    • Paper towels
    • Trashcan
  • For the Bathroom: The bathroom is another important room with some very necessary necessities. Items to make sure you have include:
    • Toilet paper
    • Soap
    • Towels, shower curtain, and bathmat
    • Trash can
  • For the Bedrooms: The biggest essential of a bedroom is having a place to sleep. A mattress and bedding are items to put at the top of your list, with other items such as a dresser, nightstand, and lamp taking up the next spots on the list.
  • For the Living Areas: Again, try to focus on the essential items before you look into purchasing decorative items. Start with seating such as a couch, chairs, or dining table. Then move on to other worthwhile furniture pieces such as end tables, TV stand, desk, or bookshelves.
  • For Maintaining the Apartment: Taking care of your apartment will require some basic cleaning products or tools such as:
    • Broom, mop, vacuum
    • Cleaning products
    • Laundry detergent and fabric softener
    • Trash bags
    • Basic tool kit
    • Step stool


Shop for Used Items

As you’re looking at the items on your checklist, you may see the number behind the dollar sign quickly add up. You can stay on budget, however, and one of the best ways to do so is to buy used items. On any given day, you will find an extensive selection of items being sold on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for decent prices. Garage or estate sales are another great place to find inexpensive home essentials along with secondhand stores such as Goodwill. The best items to buy secondhand for a new home are some of the most essential such as dining tables, bed frames, dishes, and home décor. Just be careful when buying furniture that you thoroughly check the quality and condition of the items. You don’t want to bring anything into your apartment that could have bugs or that will break.


Don’t Rush Into Anything

When you’re furnishing a new apartment, don’t let yourself feel rushed into making purchases you’re not prepared to make. It is far better to live with less and not put yourself in a difficult financial position. Have patience and look for quality items that you can afford. If you find a great deal on a new couch, act on it. If you can’t find a dining table that you like that fits in your budget, choose to wait. Taking it slow will make it more affordable for you to rent a Loveland apartment and furnish it without added stress.


Don’t Be Embarrassed to Take Items From People You Know

There is a good possibility that someone you know will offer you something they no longer need or want. Maybe a family member has an old dresser sitting in their basement that they no longer use. Or perhaps a friend is giving away their couch to make room for a new one. There is no shame in taking those items off of their hands and helping yourself out in the process. Even if items don’t perfectly fit into your décor scheme, you can easily refinish, repurpose, or spruce up items to look the part.


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