Tips for a Stress-Free Move This Summer

June 4, 2019

make moving less stressful, greeley house for rentYou found a great house for rent in Greeley, and now you have to get ready to move. Moving, while often exciting, can be an overwhelming process with so many things to do and remember. Preparing for a move is just as much work as the actual moving day, but with the right mindset and good organization, you can make it through your next move without letting it bring you down. Whether you’re moving to a house that’s just minutes away from your current home or moving to Colorado from another state, there are plenty of things you can do to make moving less stressful.


Don’t Wait to Get Started on Packing

Moving day can creep up on you faster than you think, forcing you to rush through packing or leaving you with a lot of extra work on moving day. Try to get started on packing as soon as possible. Regardless of whether you have one month until you move or three months, begin packing boxes right away. The more time you give yourself to get your house packed, the better your belongings are packed and the better the move will go. Starting early also allows you to take it slow, packing a box or two a day will help you make significant progress without the last minute pressure. For seven tips that will help make packing easier, click here.



Give/Throw Away What You Can

Before you dump the entire junk drawer from your kitchen into a box, look through it, and throw away any trash or toss unwanted items into a donation box. If you start early enough, you will have time to calmly go through drawers, cabinets, and closets setting aside things that can be given away and trashing others. Even if you’re on a time crunch, pay attention as you pack. Getting rid of stuff you no longer care for before you move will make unpacking after the move easier as well.


Start with Unused Areas

If you haven’t even taped up your first box and are already feeling overwhelmed, take a minute to breathe, and then make your way to areas that are not used regularly. This could be a storage area, the linen closet, or even the cabinet above the refrigerator that you can’t even reach. If you’re moving in the summer, then you probably won’t need to worry about leaving coats and snow gear accessible, making that another great place to start.


Keep It Short and Sweet

Rather than planning for an entire weekend of nonstop packing, try keeping packing sessions to a few boxes every day. After work, try to get even one box done, two if you can, and you’ll find that slowly, but surely, you’ll make progress with stress-free. If you have no choice but to make a whole day out of it, try taking a break every few boxes to clear your head and your frustrations. Stepping away can often go a long way in making headway.


Make Sure You’re Organized Enough to Stay on Track

Create a plan and stick to it. This applies to boxes, hiring movers, renting a U-Haul, enlisting friends to help move, and even getting settled into your new rental home. A clearly outlined plan will help to ensure a smooth and efficient process from start to finish. It will also keep you from forgetting things or from becoming distracted with things that come up. You can read about the top 50 hacks to help you avoid moving woes here.


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Getting ready for a move can be a lot of work, and life doesn’t stop. Even if you started packing and prepping months in advance, it can still be a task that is too big for you to handle on your own. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and don’t hesitate to accept help when it’s offered. The support of friends and family can make a big impact on reducing stress levels. Take the help whether it’s a day of packing boxes or lifting furniture on moving day. You can thank them with pizza and a good hug.


Asking for help could even mean hiring professional movers instead of doing it on your own. A professional moving company will cost you a little more, but it may be worth it if you have a busy schedule or have trouble finding people to help on moving day.


Remember Things Don’t Always Go as Planned

Even if you were perfectly organized with a foolproof plan in place, chances are something could go wrong. Unplanned events can happen – maybe your friend got food poisoning the night before the move and can’t help anymore, or maybe you find an entire closet that you forgot to pack. Regardless of what happens, try to keep your cool and carry on. Send a text to other friends, grab a box and throw stuff in, and try not to become overwhelmed by things you can’t control.

Thinking About Moving?

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