How to Make Friends When You’re New to Fort Collins

May 3, 2019

Moving to a new city can be rather intimidating, especially if you don’t know anyone there, but making new friends doesn’t have to be as stressful as the move itself. If you’re just starting your search for Fort Collins apartments or you’re already settled in at your new home, there are many things you can do to get going on your search for new friends.


Fort Collins is continually ranked as one of Colorado's best places to live and a big part of that is due to the people that make up the community. So whether you’re a college student at CSU, single or married, younger or older, have children or not… you are sure to make new friends in this friendly and welcoming city.



Start by Getting Yourself in the Right Mindset

People are often intimated and overwhelmed by the idea of making new friends. Regardless if you are shy, introverted, outgoing, or social, making new friends requires you to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there in order to make a genuine connection. Try not to let the fear of rejection stop you from trying something new or reaching out to people. It’s understandable to feel nervous, but don’t let nerves become the wall separating you from new friendships. Keep in mind that others have been or are currently in your same shoes, so it’s likely that many of the people you meet are also looking for new friends. Click here for 10 tips to make new friends that could help you to get in the right mindset.


Look Into Activities You Enjoy

One of the simplest ways to help yourself overcome fear and nerves is to use your strengths and interests as stepping stones into social introductions. If you’re doing something you already love or something you are good at, it can make it easier to talk to new people with similar interests and abilities. So look into the activities you enjoyed before you moved and plug yourself into ones offered in Fort Collins. Meeting people who enjoy doing what you enjoy doing is a great way to spark a friendship.


Reach Out to Old Acquaintances or Friends of Friends in the Area

If you’re on social media, there’s a good chance that you know of someone from Facebook who lives in Fort Collins. It might be an old friend from high school or someone you met through another friend, but regardless, reaching out to them could be a good way to make a connection. Even if it’s just to catch up once or twice, it will give you a chance to socialize and they might be able to help you make other connections.


Visit Local Businesses and Events

make new friends fort collinsFort Collins has an extensive selection of local businesses from retail shops to restaurants, coffee shops, breweries and more. Start by visiting places that appeal to your interests, needs and hobbies – they might offer connections to groups or events. Breweries in Northern Colorado, for example, have events happening on a regular basis. Coffee shops are a great place to find flyers for groups, organizations or events that might interest you. Downtown Fort Collins also has a wide variety of community events happening all throughout the year with plenty of opportunities to mingle and socialize.


Join a Gym

Joining a gym offers many benefits. It can help you lose weight, get healthier, find stress-relief, and even meet new people. There are people of all walks of life at a gym and by simply sparking up a conversation with the staff, complimenting someone’s shoes, or signing up for a group class, you could find yourself with a new group of friends. Click here for some basic tips on how to meet people at the gym.


Become a Volunteer

Every city has hundreds of volunteer opportunities and Fort Collins is no exception. Signing up to help abandoned dogs at a local animal shelter, picking up trash from a natural area, or spending time mentoring young children allows you to do some good and meet others with like-hearted attitudes. Click here to find a list of volunteer opportunities through The City Of Fort Collins Volunteer Program.


Connect With a Faith Group

If faith is an important aspect of your life, finding a church where you feel at home is one of the best ways to meet people. By joining a Bible study, participating in church events, volunteering, or simply coming to church every week, you will surely meet new people of similar spiritual beliefs who are likely kind and welcoming.


Go to Social Events

If you hear of social events, whether through CSU or even happy hour with coworkers, make it a point to go and participate. Social events are the perfect place for easy mingling and small talk, which are often the perfect opportunity to meet and get to know people.

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