Tips for Anyone Renting With Pets: Things not to Do

February 26, 2020

Pets are undoubtedly important members of any family and they can also make the best roommates. However, if you’re looking for home rentals in Northern Colorado or you’re already renting a home, its important that you understand how your sweet furry baby with the sweetest puppy dog eyes can also cause costly damage to your rental.

family renting with pet dog

To help you make sure that both your rental and your pets are taken care of, here are some important things that you should never do if you’re renting with pets.


1. Don’t Assume That Pets Are Allowed

The very first thing you should never do is assume that pets will be allowed in every rental. Many property owners do not permit tenants to have pets, of any kind, in their homes. Before you sign a lease, make sure that you understand the pet policy for the property. If pets are allowed, ask about the pet deposit or any monthly fees and carefully read the terms and conditions listed in the lease. If pets are not allowed, you can ask the property owner to reconsider, but there is no guarantee that they will.


2. Don’t Attempt to Sneak Pets In

If your rental does not allow pets, never attempt to sneak animals into the house. Be honest and adhere to the conditions of your lease. Failing to do so could put you at risk of being fined or even evicted from the home.


3. Don’t Forget to Offer Pet References

If your rental allows pets or if you are attempting to negotiate a pet policy, it will be helpful to provide references, or a pet resume, that can vouch for your responsibility as a pet owner and tenant. Ask previous landlords, roommates or even neighbors for a letter of reference that will attest to the behavior of your pet and to how well you maintained the property.


4. Don’t Feel Offended if The Property Owner Wants to Meet Your Pet

Meeting the pets that will be living in their home can often help landlords or property managers feel more at ease with a tenant. They want to see for themselves the temperament of the animal in addition to how well it is trained, cleaned and groomed. If your property manager requests a meet and greet with your pet, do not take it personally but rather see it as an opportunity to ensure a positive relationship with your property manager and landlord.


5. Don’t Leave Your Pet Unattended for Long Periods of Time

This is especially true during the first week at a new rental. Just like people, animals may need some time to adjust to their new surroundings, which could end up causing a bit more destruction than normal. Give your pet a chance to get acquainted with their new house before you leave them alone for too long.


6. Don’t Forget to Buy Plenty of Toys

Pets are less likely to be destructive in the house if they have enough to keep them busy. Buying your dog chew toys, stuffed animals, rawhides, or bones that will keep them playing or working will help minimize the risk of them chewing on something in the home. Buying your cat a scratching post or a cat tree will keep them from scratching walls or baseboards. Try to have more than one toy, so that your pet has plenty of options to entertain them. Without toys, your pet may start to chew on railings, molding, blinds, or your personal belongings. Damage from a bored pet can quickly add up in price.


7. Don’t Skip Their Daily Walks

Daily walks are one of the most effective ways to keep your dog from being destructive. Although many home rentals in Northern Colorado do have a fenced-in yard, simply letting your dog out in the backyard does not provide them with stimulation and exercise needed to help them work and play enough to stay calm within the home.


8. Don’t Put Off Cleaning Up After Your Pet

Make sure that you clean up after your pet quickly and effectively. If your dog or cat has an accident inside, quickly clean it up properly before the stain or odor can set in. At the same token, be proactive in picking up droppings in the backyard to prevent the grass or landscaping from being affected.


For any questions on pet policies for your rental homes, contact a member of our team at All Property Services today.

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