One of the perks of being a college student is getting to take advantage of student discounts from shops, restaurants, and more. Even the smallest discount can make a difference for college students living off student loans and working a part-time job to pay rent for their apartments in Fort Collins. If you are a student at CSU, there are many discounts available for you throughout the city. Also keep in mind that many businesses offer discounts to students, but don’t advertise it; don’t be shy and always ask if there is any student discount available. It never hurts to ask!
You can click here to find a list of 100+ stores that give a student discount, but the following are just some of the options to get you started or visit this site for the ultimate list of student discounts.
If you’re planning a fun activity for the day or a night out with friends, take a minute to look through some of the entertainment options that offer you a student discount and low rates to take advantage of in the area.
Many restaurants offer a student discount to those who can show a student ID. Restaurants close to campus are key places to consider, but many others will offer some sort of discount as well.
At participating locations, these restaurants have offered a 10{ec1d25302c0c3e829886c092caa623e779a888dbf9e1057900a08c9ab9a85bb1} student discount after showing a valid student ID:
Some restaurants may not offer a discount off your total bill, but they will offer a free drink or a discounted item. At participating locations and with a valid student ID, you can get a free drink or item at the following:
Click here for a list of the top 22 restaurants that offer student discounts.
Many shops, stores, and retailers will also give students a discount off their in-store or online purchase with a valid student ID. Remember that discounts are subject to individual locations, however, so make sure to ask before assuming that a discount will be given to you.
The following stores may provide a discount off your total purchase:
Other retailers, such as the following, offer student incentives or savings through a different way such as a discounted membership, free shipping or special promotions:
As a student, you might even find a discount for services you use, not just at stores and restaurants. Each company will offer varying discounts and will have a different set of criteria to meet in order to qualify, so make sure to ask for detailed information. Some service companies that offer student discounts include:
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